[Fluxus] a video

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Thu Jun 14 02:31:07 PDT 2012

On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 11:01:55AM +0200, gabor papp wrote:
> hi Kassen,
> congrats. i really appreciate this. i can imagine how difficult it
> was to key all these animations from code only.

Thanks. That is indeed the bit that I am not sure I'd do again and
that I'd maybe recommend against. Some of it was easy, that shot with
a few crates falling gets all of its "cues" from a list of starting
locations and the time at which we started. That was fun. Animating
from (cond ) statements as a poor (well impoverished) man's timeline 
is not so nice.

I'll do more videos because it's fun and people like it but I'll learn
from these lessons. I think stuff like folk-dancing robots could be
done purely functionally in a straightforward way. I can see math in
folk and formal dances, not so much in scenes of social interaction.

It's interesting how these systems influence their output.


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