[Fluxus] max-synths

David Griffiths dave at pawfal.org
Sun Jun 3 03:10:53 PDT 2012

Hi Kassen,

On 06/01/2012 08:49 AM, Kassen wrote:
>> I would suggest chain-sawing the above variables and posting your results!
> Ok, not today though as I need a working Fluxa this evening :-)

Hope it went well!

> BTW, I read a article about coding for realtime systems and
> difficulties there and it struck me that if you'd follow those
> guidelines stubornly, regardless of how exotic the design you'd end up
> with or what is "normal" for audio languages or synths you would end
> up with something quite close to FLuxa. Is there any merrit to the
> theory that that would be exactly what you did?

Not really that thought out, but after writing some modular soft synths
and then looking closely at supercollider, I wondered if it was possible
to remove all statefulness and make an immutable synth engine.

An then, a couple of weeks ago at the supercollider symposium, James
McCartney's wish list was based all around removing state - so I
definitely feel its an interesting direction to work on.



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