[Fluxus] scala.scm - rev 3a

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Sun Feb 19 15:29:58 PST 2012

On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 05:13:02PM -0500, Joel Matthys wrote:
> (set-scale ) in my code didn't work because it was reserved for racket. Changed
> it to (set-scala ) and now everything seem to work fine. Yuck, nasty bug.

Ok, finally got round to properly playing with this.
I like it a lot, the just intonation looks very good with Racket's
support for exact fractions. We may be slightly behind SC in features,
but we'll have infinite resolution for frequency calculations, that's
worth something too ;-)

I noticed one more bug; (scala-note 9) works, similar for 9.1 but 9.0
gives a error. This was due to a check for a integer, instead of a
exact-integer. The fix was quite trivial as the file only has one such

What I'd like to do is put this in my local copy of fluxa.ss,
replacing the current (note ) with full attributing to Joel if he's ok 
with that (that file is GPL2, but clearly I can't licence somebody 
else's work). Then I'd like to add helpmap entries and some type-checking 
of the exposed functions. Without type-checking (seq ) can generate 
rather a barrage of errors at a simple typo and I like to prevent that.

I'd also like to set some defaults like the just intonation that the
docs claim and set the default to note 0 being 55 Hz (a "A"). This is
because the current (note ) implementation quite sensibly sets (note
0) to be in that range, but I only now noticed that the current
implementation starts "counting" at A-sharp, (or b-flat, if you wish),
which I'd say makes mental math a bit harder and starting with "A"
simply makes sense to me. IMHO that would be a nice compromise between 
sticking to the sort of thing that we have and this nicer new version, 
and where it deviates from the current situation I feel it makes more 
sense (unless the a# has some meaning?).

The result I'd like to push into the Redacted branch, from where
interested parties can do as they wish.

Does this make sense? Joel, are you ok with that kind of distribution
and licence? 


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