[Fluxus] 1st steps w/ Fluxus, a bit difficult

Janis Geiger janisgeiger at gmx.de
Tue Apr 10 08:49:47 PDT 2012

Well, thanks so far. I upgraded to Racket as I understood it will sort
out a bit the confusion and give me a better starting point...

But, oh my lord was - is that one difficult ...

I couldn't find a current source package for Fluxus-(0.18), which made
it a bit more difficult to extract the files into their place,
installing via .deb depended on installing Racket 5.2.1 - haven't found
a repository for Racket 5.1.1 nowhere.

Compiling Racket from source took over an hour the 1st time I did it, I
got lazy yesterday, so I downloaded a script to install racket 5.1.1,
let it install into /usr/local/, extracted the files from the
lucid-pre-compiled deb package (I guess the one from launchpad) and
copied them into their place.

I then copied the files from my racket install

(this is the output of the 5.1.1 installer
Checking the integrity of the binary archive... ok.
Unpacking into "/usr/local/racket-tmp-install"... done.
Moving bin -> /usr/local/bin
Moving collects -> /usr/local/lib/racket/collects
Moving doc -> /usr/local/share/racket/doc
Moving include -> /usr/local/include/racket
Moving lib -> /usr/local/lib/racket
Moving man -> /usr/local/man
Moving README -> /usr/local/share/racket/doc/README
Writing uninstaller at: /usr/local/bin/racket-uninstall...
Rewriting configuration file
at: /usr/local/lib/racket/collects/config/config.rkt...
to /usr/local/lib/racket/collects/config/compiled/config_rkt.zo...)


and fluxus is starting now.

But I think I should really compile Racket from source instead to make
it more clean?

I've read two things about installing it

./configure --enable-shared --prefix=/usr/local
scons RacketPrefix=/usr RacketCollects=/usr/share/racket/collects

so well, I will see.

By the way... Unfortunately the command (fluxus-fun) (help "fluxus-fun")
(help fluxus-fun) still doesn't work ;)

scratchpad shows version 0.18.

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