[Fluxus] Windows support? ::ducks::

Timothy Capelle timcapelle at gmail.com
Sun Nov 27 17:14:18 PST 2011

On 11/27/2011 3:07 PM, Kassen wrote:
> On 27/11/2011, Tim Capelle<timcapelle at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> perhaps asio itself isnt supported but the jack for windows site makes
>> claims that any program that uses asio is able to input into jack. i will
>> check into this when i get home to see if it indeed connects and will test
>> the latency.
> I suspect that they are claiming the soundcard as a ASIO client, then
> register to the system as being N ASIO-capable soundcards. From there
> on it's routing and mixing between those sides. That would work... and
> with a few systems like that Windows will have the same glorious mess
> of "options" audio-wise that brings so much joy to Linux users ;-)
> Kas.
So I tried this setup and it works great!
info and setup instructions here: http://jackaudio.org/jack_on_windows

Basically, after configuring using the guide above, you launch jack with 
"Jack Portaudio" which starts a Jack server and also creates an ASIO 
device that any ASIO capable program can connect to by select ASIO as 
the driver and Jackrouter as the device. Multiple programs can all 
connect at the same time, including renoise, fl studio, and ableton 
live. ASIO and native Jack programs mingle together nicely. Setup in 
Jack Control appears to have no affect on anything, i guess its kind of 
a dummy, but connections work as usual. To change settings and parameter 
such as buffer size, you use the Target entry box in the properties 
window of the Jack Portaudio shortcut. To use buffer size of 256 simply 
add -p 256 to the end of the target line, like using jackd in linux. I 
am currently running jack with 5.8ms latency.

Hope someone is able to develop this windows port.

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