[Fluxus] nested timed tasks

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Tue Jun 28 08:06:36 PDT 2011

Dear list,

Below is another experiment in animating from the seq function. I made a
"temp-cube" which should be a temporary cube. The first time it's called it
works fine as you'll see; the cube disappears after a second. From there on
(seq ) proceeds to build a nice wall of non-disappearing cubes, while I was
expecting those to disappear after a while as well. Something seems wrong


(define (temp-cube end)
    (let ((x (build-cube)))
            (+ (time-now) end)
            (λ () (destroy x)))

(temp-cube 1)

(seq (λ (time clock)
        (λ ()
                (wire-colour (vnormalise (rndvec)))
                (translate (vector (modulo clock 16) (modulo clock 7)
(modulo clock 5)))
                (temp-cube 1))))
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