[Fluxus] custom allocator commit

David Griffiths dave at pawfal.org
Thu Jan 6 14:10:07 PST 2011

Hi all,

I've added a custom allocator for all primitive data so we can intercept
memory calls for debugging fluxus in a slightly saner way than using
valgrind. It's disabled by default, uncomment: 

#define FLX_ALLOC(T) Fluxus::allocator<T>

at the top of Allocator.h turn it on. At the moment it prints out the
highwater of allocation counts as fluxus runs. At the first glance it
does indeed look like something is wrong when creating new primitives,
but after fighting c++ templates for a couple of hours I could well be
reading this wrong.

If there turns out to be memory fragmentation happening we can also use
this as a basis for a real custom allocator for primitive data.



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