[Fluxus] for your enjoyment

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Fri Feb 11 09:29:02 PST 2011

A bit hard to describe. Just run it.


(clear-colour 0)

(define p (build-pixels 1024 1024 #t))

(with-primitive p
    (scale 0))

(blur .05)

(scale (vector 2.2 2.2 1))

(every-frame (begin
    (with-pixels-renderer p
        (clear-colour (vector 0 0 0 0))
        (blur .005)
            (colour (vector 0 0 0 1))
            (line-width 2)

            (rotate (vector (* 5 (time)) (* 6.5 (time)) (* 7.5 (time)) ))
                (wire-colour (vector (+ .5 (sin (time))) (+ .5 (sin (* .3
(time)))) (+ .5 (sin (* .7 (time))))))
                (scale (+ 2 (* 2 (sin (* .3 (time))))))
                (wire-colour (vector (+ .5 (sin (* 2 (time)))) (+ .5 (sin (*
.32 (time)))) (+ .50 (sin (* .72 (time))))))

                (scale (+ 4 (* 4 (sin (* .41 (time))))))
                (wire-colour (vector (+ .5 (sin (* .74 (time)))) (+ .5 (sin
(* .92 (time)))) (+ .5 (sin (* .36 (time))))))
                (scale (+ 3 (* 3 (sin (* .23 (time))))))
        (texture (pixels->texture p))
        (rotate (vector (* 5 (time)) (* 16 (time)) (* 11 (time))))
        (scale 5)
        (backfacecull 0)
            (blend-mode 'one 'one-minus-src-alpha )
            (scale (vector 1.1 1 1))
        (rotate (vector (* 360 (sin (* .1 (time)))) 180 0))

            (blend-mode 'src-alpha 'one  )
            (scale (vector 1.1 1 1))
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