[Fluxus] Linux Veejay Breakdance Demo

Intamixx Music Company intamixx at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 10 21:22:35 PST 2011

Just been playing around with Fluxus and Veejay and thought you might like to see my youtube video!
I am just using the Fluxus bars demo via jack and various hiphop sound samples.
Video/Audio samples and effects are triggered using a Midi Keyboard.
Created using Xwax on turntables, Jack Audio, Veejay, Fluxus, Sooperlooper, Specimen and a Midi Keyboard.  Veejay v1.5.4 and Fluxus running from APODIO8-RC5 live DVD (Ubuntu). Xwax, Sooperlooper and Specimen running on RHEL5.
Fluxus is really cool and I hope to make more use of it.
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