[Fluxus] small helpfile notes

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Tue Dec 6 11:54:56 PST 2011

(help-midi) refers to the obsolete (midi-init), this should instead be

(help smoothing-bias) says the range is from 0->1. That is correct, but
that "1" is exclusive. (smoothing-bias .999) gives a extreme amount of
smoothing, while (smoothing-bias 1) gives none at all. This could be a
issue with the help file but perhaps we should instead have anything that's
1 or above function as though .9999 (or similar) were filled in.

I'd push fixes for these in myself but my local clone of the redacted
branch has some hard to trace issues with midi-clock offset that I wouldn't
want to push...

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