[Fluxus] fluxus install instructions for Ubuntu 10.10

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 04:12:17 PDT 2011

>>  i think these files are dynamically recompiled if needed and racket gets
> confused because of the the previous version modules. try to uninstall 5.0.1
> before the install.
It's a bit late to do anything before the install now :¬)
Is there some way to uninstall both or just I never uninstalled
something that was build from source.

Anyway, if you like; push in my suggested fix, I would like to get Fluxus
running again, then push some new experiments from the G4, then pull from
this desktop so all of my stuff is in sync again.

BTW, those "experiments" involve Ctrl+t to "take" the blue highlighting and
make the green selection match that. So far that seems handy, might be cool
for others too and it should be in my branch by evening, assuming Racket
behaves this afternoon.

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