[Fluxus] Memory leak in build-extrusion?

Claude Heiland-Allen claudiusmaximus at goto10.org
Mon Sep 20 13:59:44 PDT 2010

On 20/09/10 18:08, evan.raskob [lists] wrote:
> Hi guys
> I have an exhibition running all day (12+ hrs) and it slows to a crawl towards the end of the day, but all I am doing really is creating an extrusion, destroying it, and re-creating it.  Does this sound plausible? I'm not sure how to profile it...

$ valgrind --vex-iropt-precise-memory-exns=yes --leak-check=full fluxus

There's a lot of warnings about the garbage collector, which can be 
ignored, but at the end of the program run you'll get a flood of info 
about where unfreed memory was allocated.


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