[Fluxus] rubyk & fluxus

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Fri Sep 17 08:10:12 PDT 2010

> A seething vi/emacs like religious war - no, nothing that exciting
> really - I had a beer with Andrew Sorenson once...
Yeah, isn't it almost strange? I recommended Andrew once to a Australian
place that considered booking some livecoding. I doubt anything came of
that... but we're so similar to Impromptu you could expect a war or even a
some sort of fusion, instead there are nearly no links.

> I've seen performances with it by both of the Andrews and Michele Pasin,
> it's facinating to watch as a schemer - as obviously it's much more
> understandable (for me, anyway) than SC or chuck, so it's a different
> experience as a member of the audience.
> I read ChucK fluently, way faster than I can (currently...) read Scheme and
I don't get all of it but *still* I find Sorenson's performance videos some
of the most compelling viewing in all of the scene. In particular he is able
to create longer performances that stay coherent and engaging; I have a huge
admiration for his work.

What appeals less to me is that it looks like Impromptu is
most concerned -on the audio side- with controlling external synths over
MIDI or some plugin interface. This may have changed; I think I heard about
them including a synthesis engine?

We could probably do more in sharing approaches/ideas, but that's
> probably a bit too practical for the livecoding scene :)
> No, it sounds like a great idea! Especially with the plans now to move the
C editor into Fluxus itself we're at a good point to borrow ideas.

Right now SC and CK -which are far less similar- borrow more from each other
(SC UGens in ChucK, ChucK-lib for SC, there might be more) than we do with
Impromptu. On the down-side; it does look like Impromptu is only free as in
beer and form and not in speech. That shouldn't be a limitation to borrowing
ideas but it could complicate things a bit. I just looked and the
documentation, even of the design-choices themselves is quite good.

If that fails we could always declare war, that's always fun too.

Maybe we could send a ambassador? Or put a giant wooden penguin at their

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