[Fluxus] strings

gabor papp gabor.lists at mndl.hu
Mon Sep 6 11:30:58 PDT 2010

hi Luis,

> 1. Do you know how can I make the result of this code into a string,
> so I can use it with the primitive type?
> (display (time)) (newline)
try (number->string).

> 2. When I display in the repl the command (delta) it shows something
> like this,
(delta) should return smaller values, the time in seconds since the last 
frame. so your code should rotate the cube 45 degrees per second.
i'm not sure if you wanted to do this, or something else.

> 3. And also if I write the following code, mi cube rotates on the "y"
> axis, shouldnt be on the "x" axis?
> (define (cube)
>    (rotate (vector (* 45 (sin (time))) 0 0))
>    (draw-cube))
> (every-frame (cube))
this should rotate the cube around the vertical x-axis. maybe you 
rotated the camera. try (hint-origin) which shows the x-axis as a red 
line segment if you are unsure.


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