[Fluxus] Particle Example in Documentation not working

lopho fluxus at lopho.org
Mon Mar 1 13:28:10 PST 2010

ive been learning fluxus using the Documentation pdf off of the pawfal
site, and ive stumbled over some examples that just dont seen to work,
and as im not too skilled in scheme & fluxus yet i have no idea if this
is a bug in my fluxus build or the code is just wrong...
so here comes the particle explosion example:

; setup the scene
(show-fps 1)
(point-width 4)

; build our particle primitive
(define particles (build-particles 1000))

; set up the particles
(with-primitive particles
    (pdata-add “vel” “v”) ; add the velocity user pdata of type vector
    (pdata-map! ; init the velocities
        (lambda (vel)
            (vmul (vsub (vector (flxrnd) (flxrnd) (flxrnd))
                        (vector 0.5 0.5 0.5)) 0.1))
    (pdata-map! ; init the colours
        (lambda (c)
            (vector (flxrnd) (flxrnd) 1 0))

(blur 0.1)

; a procedure to animate the particles
(define (animate)
    (with-primitive particles
            (lambda (vel)
                (vadd vel (vector 0 -0.001 0)))
        (pdata-map! vadd “p” “vel”)))

(every-frame (animate))

i tried it in fluxus and nothing gets rendered, i dont even see any
significant activity on my cpu/memory
anyone got an idea what could be wrong here? 

Using the pure:dyne build of fluxus on ubuntu 9.10.....

apart of that i would also like to know if there is any way to get a
more verbose output on the terminal...

(@ mod sorry for the double post, used wrong address)

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