[Fluxus] nurbs explode FAIL

gabor papp gabor.lists at mndl.hu
Mon Jan 25 12:16:48 PST 2010

hi evan,

i'm not sure what you are trying to do exactly, but i modified your 
script to push out the rows of the nurbs sphere according to the list of 

hope it helps,


(define dims 64)

(define shape
         (build-nurbs-sphere dims dims)))

(with-primitive shape
     (pdata-copy "p" "p0")
     (pdata-copy "n" "n0"))

(define vals (build-list dims (lambda (n) (rndf))))

(define (bump p)
         (with-primitive p
                     (lambda (i p p0 n0)
                         (let* ([row (quotient i dims)]
                                [rv (list-ref vals row)])
                         (vadd p0 (vmul n0 rv))))
                     "p" "p0" "n0"))
             (recalc-normals 0))

(every-frame (bump shape))

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