[Fluxus] piecing together framedumps?

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Thu Aug 19 11:44:18 PDT 2010

On 19 August 2010 19:58, evan.raskob [lists] <lists at lowfrequency.org> wrote:

> ffmpeg is EXTREMELY good at this - something like:
> ffmpeg -r 25 -b 1800k -i frame-%07d.tif  movie.mp4
> will get you a movie called movie.mp4 at a framerate of 25fps and a
> (possible) bitrate of 1800k from a collection of sequentially numbered
> frames ("frame-0000001.tif" up to "frame-9999999.tif")
Got it! That looks a lot more simple than Gabor's suggestion, and a quick
search teaches me that "-i my_file.wav" should add audio, right?

Ok, in the next few days I'll try my hand at this. Not that I have anything
especially impressive to show, but I'm having fun, that's worth something

Thanks Evan&Gabor,
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