[Fluxus] tapping out the bpm

evan.raskob [lists] lists at lowfrequency.org
Tue Sep 8 03:01:38 PDT 2009

one thing I like to do with my animations is tap out the bpm with the  
spacebar - I seem to be much better at finding the beat than 100% of  
the software I've used to do it, could be something to do with the  
fact that I'm a human being and have evolved over the last few million  
years to do just that.

Anyway, here's my example code, feel free to clean it up / use it for  


;--- trig constants

(define PI 3.14159265)
(define HALF_PI (* PI 0.5))
(define TWO_PI (* PI 2))

;--- key press variables, for timing

(define lastKeyPress 0)
(define lastKeyPresses (list 0 0 0))

;--- calculate the bpm based on the time of last key press
;--- and a list of previous key presses

(define (calc-bpm max-interval)
     (let ([dt (- (time) lastKeyPress)])
         ;--- only count this beat if within max-interval ms
         (cond [(> dt 0.1)  ; also don't count if interval is too short
         (cond [(< dt max-interval)
             (set! lastKeyPresses (append (cdr lastKeyPresses) (list  
             [else (set! lastKeyPresses (list dt dt dt))]
             (set! lastKeyPress (time))

    (display lastKeyPresses)(newline)

    ;-- return median time for multiplying by (time)
    (let [(t (median lastKeyPresses))]
        (cond [(> t 0) (/ 1 t)]
             [else 0])

(define (median l)
     (cond [(null? l) 0]
         [else (list-ref (sort l <) (inexact->exact (round (/ (length  
l) 2))))]

(define cubey (build-cube))

;-- gimmie a number btw 0 and 1 based on time

(define (time-ramp tscale tmax)
     (/ (fmod (* (- (time) lastKeyPress) tscale) tmax) tmax)

;-- gimmie a number based on time and sine curve - 0 to 1

(define (time-curve tscale tmax)
     (sin (* HALF_PI (time-ramp tscale tmax)))

(define msPerBeat 1)

(define (do-something)
     (define num-objs 6)
     (define half-num-objs (/ (- num-objs 1) 2))

     (when (key-pressed " ") (set! msPerBeat (calc-bpm 2500)))

     ;-- generate a 4 beat long ramp, use to rotate cubes
     (let* ([base-ramp (time-ramp msPerBeat 4)]
             [ramp1 (* base-ramp 360)]
;        (display ramp1)(newline)
             (colour (vector 1 1 0))
             (for ([i (in-range num-objs)])
                 (let [(x (* 9 (/ (- i half-num-objs) half-num-objs)))
                       (y 0)
                       (z 0)]
                         (rotate (vector ramp1 0 0))
                         (translate (vector x y z))
                         (draw-instance cubey)


(every-frame (do-something))

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