[Fluxus] video capture

gabor papp gabor.lists at mndl.hu
Tue Nov 17 13:06:22 PST 2009

> but for the sake of completeness, how would I do that?
; create a pixel primitive with rendering enabled
(define pp (build-pixels 512 512 #t))
; hide it
(with-primitive pp
     (scale 0))

; render the camera texture in pixel primitive
(with-pixels-renderer pp
     (scale #(20 16 1)) ; scale it up to fill the whole render buffer
     (with-primitive (build-plane)
         (texture vt)
	; set texture coordinates for rectangular npot camera image
         (let ([tcoords (camera-tcoords vt)])
                 (lambda (i t)
                     (list-ref tcoords (remainder i 4)))

then you can use the pixel primitive as texture like this:
(texture (pixels->texture pp))

the texture coordinates here will be from 0,0 to 1,1, so you don't need 
the texture coordinate magic. this way they wrap around, which 
eliminates the noise.


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