[Fluxus] HackFest, aspect ratio and ... crashes

Scott alcoholiday at gmail.com
Wed May 13 09:15:49 PDT 2009

Regarding aspect - here's what I put in drflux.ss:

(define (set-fov fovy near far)
  ;; Specify vertical FOV in degrees and clip info to make sure it's consistent
  (let* ([ymax (* near (tan (* (/ (* fovy 3.141592) 180) 0.5)))]
	 [ymin (- ymax)]
	 [scrsize (get-screen-size)]
	 [aspect (/ (vector-ref scrsize 0) (vector-ref scrsize 1))]	;; width/height
    (set! last-fovy fovy)	;; remember so we can handle reshapes
    (set! last-near near)
    (set! last-far far)
    (clip near far)
    (frustum (* ymin aspect) (* ymax aspect) ymin ymax)))

This works fine when I hit the MAXIMIZE button for fullscreen button
os-x, however it still has the screen decoration.

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