[Fluxus] remove objects from the physics system

gabor papp gabor.lists at mndl.hu
Mon May 25 00:47:00 PDT 2009


i added a new function that removes an object from the physics system.
this makes it possible to change object shapes in the simulation.
attached an example of a growing cube.




(collisions 1)

(ground-plane #(0 1 0) 0)

(define box 0)

    (lambda (o)
        (with-primitive o
            (translate (crndvec)))
        (active-box o))
    (build-list 30 (lambda (x) (build-cube))))

(define start-time (time))

(define (animate)
    (remove box)
    (destroy box)
    (set! box (build-cube))
    (with-primitive box
        (colour #(1 0 0))
        (scale (- (time) start-time))
        (translate #(0 .5 0)))
    (active-box box))

(every-frame (animate))

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