[Fluxus] osx app

gabor papp gabor.lists at mndl.hu
Wed Jun 3 04:44:32 PDT 2009

hi nik,

> did you include the patch for finding relative paths? As I've just tried
we didn't really find a way from scheme that works, so we do this from c++.

if you type (current-library-collection-paths), it should display the
bundle collects folder. at least it does for me. unfortunately every
directory or file operation refers to the root folder, /, if the code is
running from an osx app.

a workaround is that you set the relative load library like this:
(current-load-relative-directory (car (current-library-collection-path)))

then (require "test.ss") works if test.ss is in the collects path of the


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