[Fluxus] camera feature

ilostmyfiles at yahoo.com ilostmyfiles at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 19 22:54:52 PDT 2009

Hi all... just 11 things tonight:

1) This is very awesome.
2) I found lock-camera and played with it... but there's something I want to do that calls for laggy camera rotation/panning, and I can't see in the docs. Is there anything like what there already is for translation? If not, how hard would it be to add something like (lock-camera-target (vector n n n)) so that wherever the camera is, it's always pointed at that spot or object? Forgive me for being spoiled by the Unreal Engine :(

In the example for using lock-camera, I substituted rotate for translate and it appeared to try to move the camera around the cube in an orbit, still pointing at the cube. This was then overridden by lock-camera (I guess) so each time I ran (with-primitive obj (identity) (rotate (vector (* 80 (time)) 20 180))) in the REPL, the whole scene spun and wiggled violently until settling a few seconds later according to camera-lag... if camera-lag was 1, it would stay put at an angle. Setting it to 0.5 made for an interesting show of slowly converging double images but at any rate this whole-scene rotation isn't what I had in mind. Of course it's because obj's is the axis of rotation and not the camera's, and while I can easily rotate the camera, I can't see how to do it with automatic smoothing.

3) Is there a quick way to translate the axis of rotation on a primitive so that it does that orbit-effect instead of rotating in place? 

Thanks for everything.


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