[Fluxus] small commits

Dave Griffiths dave at pawfal.org
Fri Jan 23 03:58:56 PST 2009

On Fri, 2009-01-23 at 12:22 +0100, gabor papp wrote:
> > * (mouse-wheel) returns 1 for up, -1 for down and 0 for nothing pressed.
> i'm trying to test it on a macbook, but it always returns 0.

Doesn't surprise me :) do the mouse buttons work at all on your mac?
They probably have different id's but I haven't looked into it yet.

> (define (test)
>     (display (mouse-wheel))(newline))
> (every-frame (test))
> i look into it if i have some time. there's mouse-button in the
> docstring instead of mouse-wheel.

Thanks, fixed...

> there's also a small mouse button related issue i wanted to ask, mouse-x
> and mouse-y changes only when the mouse button is pressed. is it on purpose?

No, just fixed it with glutPassiveMotionFunc, thanks to Artem for
telling me about that! :)

> some other docs/help related issues:
> there's (pdata-add type name) instead of (pdata-add name type) in the
> help. it's a bit confusing, because if you do it like that it does not
> give any errors, just don't work.

Excellent, fixed...

> in the more recursion section of the help, theres is a small typo:
> (draw-row) (not (zero? Count)) instead of (not (zero? count))

Damn auto formatting :) fixed...



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