[Fluxus] OS X build script

Federico Brubacher fbrubacher at gmail.com
Wed Jan 21 03:41:48 PST 2009

Hey this is my first post in the list,
I really like what I've been playing so far with Fluxus.

I ended up installing Fluxus in paralles wiith Ubuntu, with a package i
found on the page but before that I battled a little bit with installling it
on OSX but when i run the scons script it would even find math.h ? Why could
this be ?

As a noob who has only played with rendering some graphics, i cant find how
to put sounds in the mix ? Is there some documentation missing ?

Thanks a lot , and kind regards from Uruguay, I'm showing Fluxus to people
here and in Argentina


On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 8:51 AM, gabor papp <gabor.lists at mndl.hu> wrote:

> > here is my current OS X build script (for all versions, 10.3
> i would suggest some modifications. this detects your plt path, so you
> don't have to update the script after installing a new plt version. i'm
> using scons -u, so i can run the script from any subdirectories of
> fluxus, which is useful during development.
> #!/bin/bash
> pltbin=$(dirname "`which mzscheme`")
> export PATH=$PATH:$pltbin
> plt=${pltbin%%bin}
> scons -u Prefix=/opt/local/ PLTPrefix="$plt" PLTLib="$plt"/lib
> PLTInclude="$plt"/include
> sudo scons -u Prefix=/opt/local/ PLTPrefix="$plt" PLTLib="$plt"/lib
> PLTInclude="$plt"/include install
> --
> best,
> gabor

Federico Brubacher

Colonial Duty Free Shop
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