[Fluxus] why scheme ?

Dave Griffiths dave at pawfal.org
Mon Apr 27 00:33:33 PDT 2009

Hi Paraita,

Right at the beginning I started playing with scheme because I was bored
with using C++ and similar languages. I remembered trying it briefly
years before and it feeling so different to anything I'd used before or

Since then it's become more obvious to me that it's well suited to
graphics programming, livecoding and rapid prototyping. A good example
of how well it can be used for games is Naughty Dog software who wrote
Jak and Daxter in their own scheme dialect, and more recently the
Uncharted series of games on PS3 where they recently switched back to



On Sun, 2009-04-26 at 18:57 +0200, Paraita Wohler wrote:
> Hi,
> i was wondering why using Scheme in fluxus ? why not python or another  
> language ? is it just because recursive functions are optimized ?
> thanks
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