[Fluxus] Master crashes on running of (build-cube)

Dave Griffiths dave at pawfal.org
Sun Apr 26 04:03:44 PDT 2009

On Sun, 2009-04-26 at 11:40 +0200, gabor papp wrote:
> > I'm not sure it really does but I've added what I've got.  Maybe it
> > means more to you than it does to me.
> it seems to be the same crash what Stephen is getting. it crashes on
> glDrawArrays, so i suspect there is some subtle bug in fluxus that
> causes this behaviour.

Yes. A similar sounding thing was happening a while back - vertex array
counts not matching the expected primitive type, e.g. for quads
vert-count % 4 != 0, if you see what I mean. I added checks for this,
but maybe there are other similar cases.

Another possibility is some state mess up with glEnableClientState();
for colour/normal/etc arrays.

The fact that this happens with any poly primitive is interesting

Could you try this:

(define p (build-sphere 10 10))

(with-primitive p

Indexed polys don't use glDrawArrays, might narrow it down...



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