[Fluxus] Fluxus Digest, Vol 41, Issue 9

Gerry Grainger nowhere.elysium at gmail.com
Sun Sep 21 06:45:39 PDT 2008

Hey Dave - Sorry about the late reply. No, I don't have a link you can
apply: I've been too lazy to bother putting up any kind of real web presence
for the past few years, and I don't intend to start one anytime soon, so no
worries on there.
Did a Macintosh package of 0.15rc3 end up being built? I've just been given
a Macbook pro by my workplace, and it'd be cool to have something to toy
with on my downtime...
Incidentally, I'm getting a weird error with 0.15 - when I try to compile, I
get this "undefined reference to `scheme_namespace_require'" statement.
I haven't had time to look through the mailinglist digests yet: I'm still
imaging computers for work at the moment, but if anyone has an answer to
this problem before I can find one, I'd be most appreciative.
Back to the grind...

<mendel> now that I think of it, O'Reilly is to a system administrator
<mendel> as a shoulder length latex glove is to a vetinarian.
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