[Fluxus] Mac OS 10.5

nik gaffney nik at fo.am
Tue Oct 28 06:33:49 PDT 2008

> Hello,
> I'm trying to compile fluxus on my mac. I've already installed the
> dependencies and now I'm runnng scons.
> When it starts to look for the dependencies I get an error.
> Can someone help me with this?
> Here is the error:
> *Macintosh-3:fluxus-0.15rc3 lucasdupin$ scons*
> *scons: Reading SConscript files ...*
> *--------------------------------------------------------*
> *Fluxus: Configuring Build Environment*
> *--------------------------------------------------------*
> *Checking for C header file scheme.h... yes*
> *Checking for C library m... no*
> *ERROR: 'm' must be installed!*
> I tried to use the binary but it is not opening, when I run it from the
> terminal I get this:

it looks like a path problem. try using the following script, 
substituting the correct paths for your PLT installation.. .

scons -u Prefix=/opt/local/ PLTPrefix="$plt" PLTLib="$plt"/lib 
sudo scons -u Prefix=/opt/local/ PLTPrefix="$plt" PLTLib="$plt"/lib 
PLTInclude="$plt"/include install

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