[Fluxus] Fwd: trying to compile fluxus, strange scheme errors

Matias Eyzaguirre dented42 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 24 20:52:03 PDT 2008

On Jun 19, 2008, at 10:47 AM, gabor papp wrote:
> yes, it works with plt 4, just change the path everywhere when "PLT  
> Scheme v3.99.0.25" is mentioned to "PLT Scheme v4.0".
> gabor

Brilliant, your instructions work great, ie, they fixed my first  
problem, but there seems to be one more, when I compile, the fluxus- 
engine component, I get erred thusly:

g++ -o modules/fluxus-engine/fluxus-engine_ss.dylib -dynamiclib  
modules/fluxus-engine/src/Engine.os modules/fluxus-engine/src/ 
FluxusEngine.os modules/fluxus-engine/src/SchemeHelper.os modules/ 
fluxus-engine/src/GlobalStateFunctions.os modules/fluxus-engine/src/ 
LocalStateFunctions.os modules/fluxus-engine/src/MathsFunctions.os  
modules/fluxus-engine/src/PrimitiveFunctions.os modules/fluxus-engine/ 
src/PDataFunctions.os modules/fluxus-engine/src/UtilFunctions.os  
modules/fluxus-engine/src/TurtleFunctions.os modules/fluxus-engine/src/ 
LightFunctions.os modules/fluxus-engine/src/PhysicsFunctions.os  
modules/fluxus-engine/src/TurtleBuilder.os modules/fluxus-engine/src/ 
PFuncContainer.os "/Applications/PLT Scheme v4.0/lib/mzdyn3m.o" -L/usr/ 
lib -L/opt/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib "-L/Applications/PLT Scheme v4.0/ 
lib" -Llibfluxus -L/opt/local/lib -lGLEW -lfluxus -lpng -lode -ltiff - 
ljpeg "-F/Applications/PLT Scheme v4.0/lib" -framework GLUT -framework  
OpenGL -framework CoreAudio -framework PLT_MzScheme
ld: file not found: PLT_MzScheme.framework/Versions/371_3m/PLT_MzScheme
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
scons: *** [modules/fluxus-engine/fluxus-engine_ss.dylib] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.
HAL:fluxus dented42$

which is a bit odd, as I am most definitly using PLT4, and this is the  
CVS version of fluxus.  what happened?  I tried searching the scons  
files to see if they had the PLT version number hardcoded, but  
couldn't find anything, it seemed very dynamic.  what wenth wrong?
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