[Fluxus] commits

Dave Griffiths dave at pawfal.org
Sat Aug 2 12:07:13 PDT 2008

Hi all,

A few changes...

* documentation changed so we can have functions in different files
  sharing the same section (tidies things up a lot)

* ported html and text doc conversion to plt 4

* fluxa changes
  - picks up samplerate from jack
  - you can specify the jack ports to auto connect to on the command 
    line (-jackports leftport rightport) (also -osc portnum)

* (line-intersect) for raytracing poly primitives - pass in end points 
  of a line, and it will return interpolated pdata values for any   
  collision points - lots of examples to follow

* added occlusion-texture-bake for making ambient occlusion textures -
  basically works, but too slow to use at the moment - might be a bug

* pixel primitive changes
   - (pixels-width) and (pixels-height) for querying dimensions
   - added a load of commands for drawing into pixels primitives:
     (pixels-circle), (pixels-blend-circle), (pixels-dodge),
     (pixels-burn) and (pixels-clear) see docs for more info...

* added (fmod)

* more polygon querying
  - (poly-indices) gets the index list
  - (poly-type) returns the type of the polygon 'triangle-strip,
    'triangle-list etc
  - (poly-indexed?) returns #t if the polygon is in index mode

* added a load of shortcuts for accessing vectors:
  - (vx (vector 1 2 3)) returns 1
  - (vy (vector 1 2 3)) returns 2
  - (vz (vector 1 2 3)) returns 3
  - (vr (vector 1 2 3)) returns 1
  - (vg (vector 1 2 3)) returns 2
  - (vb (vector 1 2 3)) returns 3
  - (vx-set! (vector 0 0 0) 1) returns (vector 0 0 1)
  - (vy-set! (vector 0 0 0) 1) returns (vector 0 1 0)
  - etc ...



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