[fluxus] Stereo Fluxus

Alex Norman alex at neisis.net
Tue May 15 15:28:50 PDT 2007

I want to modify fluxus to allow for active stereo video [via crystal glasses],
I've already done this for pd's GEM and it was quite easy, though they already
had some other stereo modes.  Basically, I need to render the scene one time for
each eye, selecting a different buffer to write to for each and offsetting the
camera position slightly for each eye.  I intend to write it in such a way that
one could select this functionality or not, so that it might actually be put into
the main distro eventually as others might find it useful (once this stereo mode
is in place it probably wouldn't be hard to implement other stereo modes).

Anyways, if anyone could suggest where to implement this I'd appreciate it (i
figure in the renderer, but where in the renderer :)


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