[fluxus] fluxus_init.scm

Dave Griffiths dave at pawfal.org
Wed Jun 20 02:10:58 PDT 2007

> hey there,
> since the scons installation copies the fluxus_init.scm to the directory,
> where i initially started the fluxus-bin from , i wonder myself whether it
> ignores it completely. therefore i copied it to $HOME and made an alias to
> ".fluxus.scm" , i adapted two path statements

I'm not sure I follow you here - but I'll explain the startup process a

The key to this is inside main.cpp, when you run the fluxus binary it runs
a script encoded inside - STARTUP_SCRIPT on line 35.

This sets the fluxus-version and fluxus-collects-location global variables
from #defines set at build time by scons. It then uses these to build a
path to run scratchpad-boot.scm, which is where the real setup occurs.

If you look in there, it does a load of stuff to set up the extension
paths, load and require the fluxus extensions etc, does some hacky bits
for backward compatibility and finally calls $HOME/.fluxus.scm - if it

I hope that makes it a bit clearer - it is built this way mainly so we can
have multiple versions of fluxus installed side by side and make things a
bit cleaner and configurable. I should expand the documentation on this
process, but it only settled down recently.



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