[fluxus] fluxus-0.12rc4

dave dave at pawfal.org
Mon Jul 16 14:35:42 PDT 2007

Hi all,

A quick re-release of 0.12 to fix a difference in the transform state
with older versions - it was keeping the state from the previous frame
(thanks to Gerry for finding it)


You don't have to reinstall it (or even rebuild) - it amounts to just
adding (identity) to line 221 of scratchpad.ss
(/usr/local/lib/plt/collects/fluxus-0.12/scratchpad.ss or similar) so
the frame callback function at the bottom looks like this:

(define (fluxus-frame-callback) 
  (set-camera (get-camera-transform))
  (if (not (null? user-callback))



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