[fluxus] feature request - colourmode

evan.raskob [lists] lists at lowfrequency.org
Sun Jan 14 13:09:57 PST 2007


I have a feature request for changing colors - maybe it is already a  
par of fluxus somehow, but I missed it in the docs.  It would be  
great if the "colour" function had global (colour-mode  XXX)  
attribute, that switched between HSL and RGB (and even had options  
for other colorspaces...)  It's something that Processing does that's  
very handy, and would be nice for live performances.  RGB is a bit  

Obviously not a high priority, given the current development, but I  
thought it'd be worth adding to the queue.  Perhaps I could help with  
it, I'll take a look at the code at some point in the next few weeks  
(going on a trip for a bit)


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