[fluxus] plt commits

dave dave at pawfal.org
Mon Jan 1 17:04:35 PST 2007

On Sun, 2006-12-31 at 12:24 +0100, nik gaffney wrote:
> > looks like most of the stuff compiles on osx, with the exception of
> > libfluxus/src/GLSLShader (without this file, libfluxus, libfluxphysics and the
> > fluxus-engine can build, but suffer from subsequent linker errors,
> > unsurprisingly.. .)
> it compiles with the following patch, but ive no idea what the implications of
> these changes are.. .

They look fine, could you commit these changes?
I'm surprised these were the only changes needed - what happens when you
try to run it?

I've just committed the fluxus-audio and fluxus-osc modules so we are
now functionally complete I think. (I haven't quite figured out how to
port osc-msg or the shader functions yet, but there are stubs for them)

Also - the collects directory for fluxus is now version controlled
(called fluxus-0.12) so we can install different versions side by side.
The application binary is also called fluxus-0.12 now.



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