[fluxus] 0.12rc1

dave dave at pawfal.org
Mon Feb 5 17:49:17 PST 2007

hi all,


* README, INSTALL etc updated
* new terminology - main fluxus application window and gl editor is now
called the fluxus "scratchpad"
* fixed renderer initialisation - repeat running in drscheme fixed (hit
F5, MrEd window shuts down, reopens, runs script again)
* finished function documentation!!! some of it is very poor, and the
examples are not all tested, but...
* new help command for finding out about fluxus commands:

* not sure how this runs with different builds of plt. running
fluxus-in-drscheme will only be possible with a cvs version, but the
scratchpad should work with recent releases
* I messed up the helpmap install, you'll need to do a cp
docs/helpmap.scm /path/to/plt/collects/fluxus-0.12 to get help to work
* no hsv->rgb - I ran out of steam, this is going to be a simple scheme
function so it will be v easy to add later on
* The scheme programming intro in the docs is unfinished

Last but most importantly... calling all OSX gurus... :)



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