[fluxus] fluxus 0.10 released

Dave Griffiths dave at pawfal.org
Tue Jun 6 05:59:46 PDT 2006


>From the change log:

* scheme repl (read evaluate print loop) interpreter on ctrl 0
* new cursor
* major overhaul for guile 1.8
* (every frame) now takes a function directly rather than a string
* livecode + osc input recorder for recording and rerendering performances
* (get-projection-transform) gets the projection matrix
* (get-screen-size) returns the resolution as a two value vector
* (set-screen-size (vector x y)) sets the res, and updates the window to
* support for executable scripts with #!/usr/local/bin/fluxus -x
* grab stack implemented
* (maim) fixed
* (edit) works from the local path again, but searches the searchpaths
first. all script loading uses guile's %load-path, while textures use the
fluxus searchpath, needs unifying maybe and documenting.
* (osc-source) can change port. seems to fail if you set it back to one
used previously, not sure why this is, looking into it. should also be
more stable than before.
* sincos lookup table disabled - was causing "jitteryness" due to lack of
precision in some cases (and it wasn't really helping out speed wise)
* (qaxisangle) : builds a quat with a rotation axis and angle in degrees
* (qmul) : returns two quats multiplied
* (qnormalise) : returns the normalised quat
* (qtomatrix) : returns the rotation matrix for the quaternion
* (build-pixels width height) makes a new pixel primitive
* (upload-pixels) uploads texture data, you need to call this when you've
finished writing to the pixelprim, and while it's grabbed
* (pixels->texture pixelprim) returns a texture you can use exactly like a
normal loaded one
* (camera-lag amount) when locked to a primitive, lags the camera - does
a linear interpolation on the matrix, so you can get some wacky stuff
happening with rotations/scales. smaller numbers are more laggy
* (set-camera-transform) overrides and turns off the mouse camera control
- use
(reset-camera) to switch mouse control back on
* a multiply pdata-op for colour pdata and single float values
* stricter typing - primitive type/exact used where required
* infinite asteroids example
* locator primitive
* (hint-origin) renders the local origin for a primitive
* guile debugging and stack trace supported
* lighting fixes and directional/spotlight support

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