[fluxus] rendering 4D (newbie questions)

Artem Baguinski artm at v2.nl
Sun Feb 26 21:25:46 PST 2006

On 27/02/06, dave <dave at pawfal.org> wrote:
> using opengl is a different approach to a software renderer, less
> flexible (although this is arguable now with programmable shaders) but
> very fast, and quite flexible if you take time to get the idea behind
> some of the restrictions. for instance regarding the opacity problem,
> there aren't many games out there that don't have this bug in them in
> one form or another.

yes, games designers have control over the environments anduse them 
in a creative way to hide the artefacts. but still most game engines /
scene graph libraries address the problem by  marking and dynamicly
resorting the transparent stuff. Mostly they sort per object though
(not per polygon) and make sure that's enough.

providing a way to control writing to the depth buffer and switching
the depth test on/off from scheme wouldn't hurt though. I'll implement
that when I figure the claudes algo and start helping im port it to
fluxus :-)

> and as for 4d stuff, my approach would be to implement them as a scheme
> library, and see if that is fast enough. I'm not too sure what it
> involves, but I guess you'll need to do your own projection from 4d
> world -> 2d screen + perspective.

4d->3d without perspective and let opengl do the 3d->2d++ perspecective??

sorry if this mail contains many typos, something is wrong with fonts
and i type it blindly :-) after all i work in the international lab
for the unstable media ;-))))


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