[fluxus] MacOS X

Dan Bethell dan at pawfal.org
Fri Feb 24 17:46:50 PST 2006

Artem Baguinski wrote:
> Hi
> I'd like to make scons build system able to build statically linked  
> "self sufficient" application bundle as well as dynamically linked  
> one which relies on dependancies being installed ehh... somewhere ;-)
> I'd like to do that in the 0.9 branch so that prebuilt binaries be  
> available as soon as Dave releases it.
> But since I'm a macosx noob and I DO have all the deps installed all  
> over my /usr/local I'd love some support from the list.
> (a) If there's someone out here without the deps installed (e.g.  
> someone using the prebuilt 0.8 only), could you give me a hand and  
> test my (binary) "snapshots" whenever I have them ready?
> (b) Could someone please explain me what I'm doing wrong with the icons?
>    - the bundle creation script copies the fluxus.icns to
>      Fluxus.app/Content/Resources/
>    - in the Info.plist I add (it isn't in CVS yet because it doesn't  
> work)
>      	<key>CFBundleIconFile</key>
>          <string>fluxus</string>
>    - but I still get the generic application icon for the bundle
> (c) Who has built the 0.8 binary from the homepage? For one I like  
> the icon better ;-) For two the icon works. But more importantly,  
> some scheme scripts endup in Resources too, my question is where do  
> they come from and how do you communicate to guile / fluxus where  
> they can be found?
Hi artem,

it was me who put together that binary - i detailed how here:

I did get cvs access from dave but haven't got round to comitting the
changes detailed on the page... lazy surf bum i am. Maybe between us we
can get them in?!

Ok, the scheme scripts that end up in the resources folder come direct
from the guile-1.6.7 release - it's a copy of the ice-9 directory which
contains a few scripts required to startup the interpretor (AFAICT).
Obviously if you've linked against a newer guile lib then this should be
copied from the newer version also.

How does guile know where this is? Hmm a little hack to the beginning of
main() - detailed in the wiki page - which appends the resources path to
the GUILE_LOAD_PATH env variable.

I hacked my SConstruct to build it as well but I like your recent
changes more - building a bundle direct is the way to go!

As for the icon - hmm i'm not sure. If i remember i just copied the icon
into the appropriate place and knocked together a new Info.plist because
I couldn't get the one in cvs to work (figured it was me, but it might
be worth comparing the two to see where they differ). As for the icon
itself - i just wanted to play with the os x icon builder and that was
the first image that came to hand :)

The only *major* problem i found with the binary was that it linked
against some symbols (_ftime if i recall correctly) which weren't
defined in the standard libs on panther (10.3.*) release of os x. I can
definitely test a binary on 10.4 but it would be good to find someone
who can test on 10.3 as well.

BTW have you seen darwinports (www.darwinports.org)? It makes
installing/uninstalling deps very easy - great for testing this kind of
thing. The only weirdity is it installs everything in /opt/local but
they seem to have their reasons for that... As another os x newbie it
made my life much easier!


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