[fluxus] auto documentation

nik gaffney nik at fo.am
Tue Dec 5 03:17:31 PST 2006

> So I've written an auto documentation system for the plt version of fluxus
> (I think this might be hitherto refered to as fluxus2.0 or maybe fluxus
> Enterprise Edition) The idea is this will strip out comments from the
> binding functions (the definitions of the scheme commands in the C++ code)
> and convert them into html for the function index, and also into a format
> for an online help system. The idea is that from the repl you'll be able
> to type:

this is a great idea, and i think it will certainly improve general fluxing.

for comparison, the CL functions describe and inspect do somethign similar, so
might be useful for guidance,.. .

cl-user> (describe 'describe)
describe is an external symbol in #<package "COMMON-LISP">.
Function: #<FUNCTION describe>
Its associated name (as in function-lambda-expression) is describe.
The function's arguments are:  (x &optional
                                (stream-designator *standard-output*))
Function documentation:
  Print a description of the object X.
Its declared argument types are:
  (t &optional (or stream (member nil t)))
Its result type is:
  (values &optional)
On Sun, Dec 3, 2006 01:55:56 PM [-1] it was compiled from:
  Created: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 05:59:32 PM [-1]

; No value
cl-user> (inspect 'describe)

The object is a SYMBOL.
0. Name: "DESCRIBE"
1. Package: #<package "COMMON-LISP">
2. Value: "unbound"
3. Function: #<FUNCTION describe>
4. Plist: nil

see also; http://www.lisp.org/HyperSpec/Body/fun_describe.html

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