[fluxus] cvs commits

dave griffiths dave at pawfal.org
Fri Oct 21 20:27:48 PDT 2005

* fixed object picking (mouse-over)
* framedump 
    * memory leak fixed
    * outputs jpg files rather than tiff
    * uses 6 character frame no filenames (so we can save over 6 minutes
of animation :)

here's a test script for the picking code:


(define (build n)
    (translate (vector 1.1 0 0))
    (if (< n 0)
        (build (- n 1))))

(define (render)
    (if (mouse-button 1)
        (grab (mouse-over))
        (rotate (vector 1 0 0))
        (colour (vector (flxrnd)(flxrnd)(flxrnd)))

(build 10)
(every-frame "(render)")



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