[fluxus] build error: PDataArithmetic.cpp

james tittle tigital at mac.com
Tue Nov 29 06:21:27 PST 2005

On Nov 29, 2005, at 4:37 AM, Dave Griffiths wrote:
> well spotted! bad programming by me... all's good, except it should  
> be the
> other way round - take the * out of the cpp file so the dVector's  
> pass by
> value.
> does that work too?

...yup, compiles just fine (I figured it'd be one way or  
another)...tho I don't know if I've "exercised" the code:  is there a  
pdata operation or script that would test this for sure?

...there are a coupla weird things I've noticed:

1.  can't seem to get workspaces 2-8 working:  ctrl-1, 9, and 0 work,  
but any others have no effect
2.  I need to reset the current working directory on osx, because atm  
it's looking for files where the binary is, which is fluxus.app/ 
Contents/MacOS/fluxus...so, in order to access a file in a directory  
of the same level as fluxus.app, you have to (load "../../../../../ 
examples/whatever.scm"), which is a bit of a pain ;-\

...otherwise looking very good!


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