[fluxus] particle sprites fix

Dave Griffiths dave at pawfal.org
Wed Nov 30 02:35:10 PST 2005

just committed a fix for the sprites, they now always orient themselves in
camera space, and face forward so you can actually see them with backface
culling on :)

they also have "s" pdata for individually scaling the sprites

(define (init n)
    (pdata-set "p" n (vector (flxrnd)(flxrnd)(flxrnd)))
    (pdata-set "s" n (vmul (vector (flxrnd)(flxrnd)(flxrnd)) 0.2))
    (if (< n 1)
        (init (- n 1))))

(define p (build-particles 10))
(grab p)
(init (pdata-size))
(show-axis 1)

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