[fluxus] OSC example plis

_ad alejo.duque at europeangraduateschool.net
Wed May 18 03:27:54 PDT 2005

hi all,

me and my friend lorenz have been working on a OSC bridge from a 
wireless application so to use the data in graphical applications 
like fluxus or pd (sound and video)

i will do a short presentation in Riga in the Space and Perception 
symposium on saturday and will like to use fluxus there again (we 
used it with slim..fatboy aka annie last year for doing very 
minimalistic visuals:)

anyway, i will like to understand better this OSC new feature of 
fluxus but the dox is not to clear for me and the example to short 
for my little understanding of computer "life"

the problem im having is that i launch puredata

connect to localhost port 8000 in the [sendOSC] object.
tested with the dumpOSC with a print to console to confirm that data 
is flowing (ok)

but when i launch fluxus osctest.scm

and press f5

i get a:

liblo server error segmentation faul...

is this cause of my bad use of the tools or cause of buggy liblo?

can anyone share a little patch on OSC fluxus to test if it works 
using other ways?

gracias mil
http://www.egs.edu ||||||||||

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