[fluxus] fluxus 0.7rc1

Dave Griffiths dave at pawfal.org
Thu Jun 23 09:49:00 PDT 2005

> hey ya'll,
> On Jun 23, 2005, at 8:50 AM, Dave Griffiths wrote:
>>> Dave
>>> i cannot seem to build fluxus on os X
>>> i get
>>> lX11 -lpthread -llo
>>> ld: can't locate file for: -lglut
>>> scons: *** [fluxus] Error 1
>>> scons: building terminated because of errors.
>>> is there a workaround for OS X? I cannot seem to fink glut.
>> I'm not much help with the OSX build - Jamie might know more?
> ...hmm, maybe?  :-)
> ...pat, you don't need to use the makefile build, there should be an
> xcode project in the cvs, and better yet it builds a native aqua
> version, which doesn't require x11...but, it's probably a little
> outta date, especially because I haven't updated it recently!  It's
> nice to hear there's a new rc1, so I'll get on this today...

I've actually put the xcode project in the release - completely untested
of course :)

There are a few more source files, but other than that I don't think there
is anything major.



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